2014 – 2017 | BASEL
From 2014 to 2017 kunsthallekleinbasel was located in an inhabited apartment at Sperrstrasse 7 in Basel in the district Kleinbasel. The founder of the project Jasmin Glaab (artist, curator and educator) curated more than 40 solo exhibitions and art events with artists from Austria, Germany, Italy, Croatia and Switzerland. In her concept of one-day shows, the focus was on the presence of the artists and the collective experience. The exhibitions were designed as performative events and represented a broad insight into current artistic tendencies - from young autodidacts to experienced professors, artists from heterogeneous scenes were represented. Since the beginning, the non-commercial initiative has been supported by collaborations with various artists, art educators, curators and photographers, and works self-sustainingly.
Printed edition announcements kunsthallekleinbasel | 2014–2017 | layout: Jasmin Glaab
Das Ausstellungsprojekt kunsthallekleinbasel wurde im Juni 2014 von der Künstlerkuratorin Jasmin Glaab ins Leben gerufen. Glaab betreibt den Ausstellungsraum, betreut die Homepage des Projektes und ist verantwortlich für das Ausstellungsprogramm. Das Projekt funktioniert selbsttragend und unabhängig vom institutionalisierten Kunstbetrieb. Im Zentrum steht die Kooperation zwischen freischaffenden KünstlerInnen und Publizierenden. Ziel ist es, kunsthallekleinbasel als autarke Diskursbühne zu etablieren. Im Rahmen des Ausstellungsprogramms findet jeweils sonntags ein zehnstündiges Ausstellungsereignis statt. Die KünstlerInnen sind während der gesamten Dauer ihrer Ausstellung anwesend und dazu aufgefordert, die Ausstellungsereignisse in Kooperation mit weiteren Kunstschaffenden und Publizierenden zu gestalten. Im Rahmen der Ausstellungen finden Konzerte, Performances, Interventionen, Künstlergespräche und Diskussionsrunden statt. So variiert die Atmosphäre bei jedem Ausstellungsereignis nach Bedarf zwischen Galerieatmosphäre, Bühne, Stammtisch oder Klub. Zentrales Anliegen und Beweggrund zur Lancierung des Projektes ist das Bedürfnis nach einem off-space für Kunst, Performance und zeitbasierte Medien in Basel, welcher selbstragend funktioniert und nicht von öffentlichen Geldern und Kulturförderbeiträgen abhängig ist. Dies folgt nicht zuletzt dem Bedürfnis, die Rahmenbedingung in denen aktuelle künstlerische Tendenzen debattiert werden, autonom zu generieren.
Text: Jasmin Glaab | Basel, 2014
The project kunsthallekleinbase was founded in juin 2014 by the artist and curator Jasmin Glaab. Glaab runs the space as well as the homepage of the project and is responsible for the exhibition program. The project operates self-supporting and independent from the institutional art scene. It focuses on the cooperation between freelance artists and writers. Its aim is to establish kunsthallekleinbasel as an autarkic platform for discourse. One-day exhibitions take place regularly every first sunday of the month. The artists are present about ten hours during the opening time and are encouraged to create exhibition-events in cooperation with other artists and art historians. So concerts, performances, interventions, artist talks and discussions take place within the exhibitions. Every exhibition can have a different atmosphere as far as it requires and varieages between gallery, stage, cracker-barrel or club type. The main aim and motivation of this project is to create an off-space for alternative art, performance and timebased medias in Basel which runs self-supporting and can remain independent from public funds and financial contributions. This arises the need to generate autonomously a free debate about parameters and conditions among contemporary artistic tendencies.
Text: Jasmin Glaab | Basel, 2014
Text: Jasmin Glaab | Basel, 2014
The project kunsthallekleinbase was founded in juin 2014 by the artist and curator Jasmin Glaab. Glaab runs the space as well as the homepage of the project and is responsible for the exhibition program. The project operates self-supporting and independent from the institutional art scene. It focuses on the cooperation between freelance artists and writers. Its aim is to establish kunsthallekleinbasel as an autarkic platform for discourse. One-day exhibitions take place regularly every first sunday of the month. The artists are present about ten hours during the opening time and are encouraged to create exhibition-events in cooperation with other artists and art historians. So concerts, performances, interventions, artist talks and discussions take place within the exhibitions. Every exhibition can have a different atmosphere as far as it requires and varieages between gallery, stage, cracker-barrel or club type. The main aim and motivation of this project is to create an off-space for alternative art, performance and timebased medias in Basel which runs self-supporting and can remain independent from public funds and financial contributions. This arises the need to generate autonomously a free debate about parameters and conditions among contemporary artistic tendencies.
Text: Jasmin Glaab | Basel, 2014
2.4.2017 | VORTEX MAPS | Silvia Studerus (CH)
curation and text: Jasmin Glaab, photography: Lubomira Lavrikova
5.3.2017 | FLYER / PLAKATE AB 1988 BIS HEUTE | Remo Keller (CH)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Sylvia Doliman, photography: Lubomira Lavrikova
5.2.2017 | NO-BUDGET FILME | Gruppe Konverter (CH) / nobudgeteyeproduction (CH) / Simone Baumann (CH)
curation and text: Jasmin Glaab, photography: Lubomira Lavrikova
2./3.12.2016 | COMICFEST HIRSCHENECK | Igor Hofbauer (HR)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Igor Hofbauer, photography: Ursle Schneider
6.11.2016 | LEBEN AUSSERHALB DES PARADIESES | Winfried Möhr (DE)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text and photography: Fatima Möhr
2.10.2016 | DISPLACED | Naomi Middelmann (CH)
curation and text: Jasmin Glaab, photography: Pavlína Rutarová
10.2016 | MOTHER TONGUE | Colleen Keough (US)
special event with performance and dinner for invited guests
4.9.2016 | GEISTERBAHN | Simone Floriane Baumann (CH)
curation, text and photography: Jasmin Glaab
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: David Daniel Buckingham, photography: Misha Andris
19.6.2016 | BLUES TRASH CONCERT | Cello Inferno (CH)
concert within the exhibition of Ana Vujic, curated by Jasmin Glaab
5.6.2016 | SABOTAGE VISUELLE | Ana Vujic (CH)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Sibylle Sunda, photography: Tjefa Wegener
3.4.2016 | BILDWORT | Hans Marchetto (CH)
curation and text: Ana Vujic, photography: Tjefa Wegener
6.3.2016 | INTACT WITH THE FUTURE | Di Erre (IT) / Roccioletti (IT)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Patrizia Mazzei, photography: Tjefa Wegener
7.2.2016 | WHERE I WANT TO GO | Mirjam Spoolder (CH)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Ana Vujic, photography: Tjefa Wegener
13.12.2015 | KUNTERBUNTER MARKT | Kleinkunstmarkt 2015 (CH)
exhibiting artists Sandra Anzi, Simone Floriane Baumann, Sile Beck, Mirzlekid,
Pavlina Rutarova, Mirjam Spoolder, Klea Weibel
curation and text: Jasmin Glaab, photography: Tjefa Wegener
13.12.2015 | CONCERT AND DJ | diverse musicians (CH)
Laura Caraballo (CH) and City of Gold (CH)
organized by Jasmin Glaab
6.12.2015 | NOBUDGETEYEPRODUCTION | Tim Schonra & Henk (CH)
curation and text: Jasmin Glaab, photography: Tjefa Wegener
1.11.2015 | EINS UMS ANDERE | Nara Pfister & Mirzlekid (CH)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Sarah Elena Müller, photography: Tjefa Wegener
18.10.2015 | OFFENE WERKSTATT | Gruppe Konverter (CH)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Gruppe Konverter, photography: Tjefa Wegener
4.10.2015 | RUSS'N'ROST | Bettina Reichert (D) / Andreas Hamacher (D)
curation and text: Jasmin Glaab, photography: Léa Girardin
5.7.2015 | I A T T O T | Luca Piazzalonga (CH)
curation and text: Jasmin Glaab, photography: Ioana Mitrea
21.6.2015 | PRECARIETÀ | Fabio Nicotera (IT)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Patrizia Mazzei, photography: Jasmin Glaab
21.6.2015 | SOIL SAMPLES | Carola Rümper (D)
curation, text und photography: Jasmin Glaab
7.6.2015 | RUNTIME | Lena Lapschina (A)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Patrizia Mazzei, photography: Léa Girardin
3.5.2015 | MEMBRANE MEME | Daniel Marti (CH)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Lubomira, photography: Tjefa Wegener
5.4.2015 | LA VIE (r)EST BELLE | dusud (CH)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Ana Vujic, photography: Tjefa Wegener
8.3.2015 | 8 x FRAUEN | Kuratiert von Joanna Kamm (CH)
performances, lectures and concerts by Dora Borer, Felby Charuc, Julia Degelo, Colleen Dunkel, Afghani El Saghir, Philipp Freise, Jasmin Glaab, Joanna Kamm, Ranira Kressig, Christine Mafli, Khadija Merzougue, Stephanie Németh-Parker, Julius Nikolaus Friedrich Schröder, Inga Siebel, Emilia Taubic and Julia Taubic
curation and text: Joanna Kamm, photography: Hans Kamm
1.3.2015 | AUSSCHNITTWEISE BUCHSTABEN | Lukas Jakob David Leu (CH)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Alice Wilke, photography: Tjefa Wegener
22.12.2014 | KLEINKUNSTMARKT | diverse artists (CH/DE)
exhibitors Sandra Anzi, Noemi Serena Biondo, Toni Egger, Svenia Fielding, Francesca Meier, Anna Weber, Klea Weibel, Karin Zingg
curation and text: Jasmin Glaab, photography: Tjefa Wegener
7.12.2014 | THE GRIMM EXPERIENCE | Silvio Grimm (CH)
program: Bad Santa Blitzaction (performance)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Ana Vujic, photography: Tjefa Wegener
22.12.2014 | PERFORMANCE AND DJ's | diverse artists (CH)
performance by Erna Dudensing & Hans Willin (CH)
DJs Florian Ochsé (CH) and Pjotr Hürlimann (CH)
organized by Jasmin Glaab
2.11.2014 | RETROSPEKTIVE | Yvonne Good (CH)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Maya Minder, photography: Tjefa Wegener
5.10.2014 | ENTARTETE KUNST | Christian Mueller (CH)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Ana Vujic, photography: Jan Chudožilov
7.9.2014 | AUSSTELLUNG MIT TROPISCHER MUSIK | Dominik Wullimann (CH)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Ana Vujic, photography: Jan Chudožilov
7.9.2014 | SIDE PROJECT | Carlos Arredondo (CHI)
curation and photography: Jasmin Glaab
special event with talks for invited guests organized by Jasmin Glaab
6.7.2014 | OKTAVE 0 | Léandre Thiévent (CH)
curation, text and photography: Jasmin Glaab
22.6.2014 | HEUTE GIBT ES NICHTS ZU SEHEN | Sweeterland (CH)
Sweeterland ist an artist group with Yvonne Good, Dominik His, Matthias Käser, Elena Könz, Judith Weidmann
curation, text and photography: Jasmin Glaab
1.6.2014 | SIDE PROJECT | Lena Lengsfeld (CH) / Silvia Studerus (CH)
curated by Jasmin Glaab
1.6.2014 | TO DO LIST: | Lysann König (CH)
program: Tirez sur le Pianiste (Piano), SPU Melbe (DJ)
curation and photography: Jasmin Glaab, text: Katja Willi
5.2014 | UHR | Glaser/Kunz (CH)
special event and exhibition for invited guest organized by Jasmin Glaab
curation and text: Jasmin Glaab, photography: Lubomira Lavrikova
5.3.2017 | FLYER / PLAKATE AB 1988 BIS HEUTE | Remo Keller (CH)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Sylvia Doliman, photography: Lubomira Lavrikova
5.2.2017 | NO-BUDGET FILME | Gruppe Konverter (CH) / nobudgeteyeproduction (CH) / Simone Baumann (CH)
curation and text: Jasmin Glaab, photography: Lubomira Lavrikova
2./3.12.2016 | COMICFEST HIRSCHENECK | Igor Hofbauer (HR)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Igor Hofbauer, photography: Ursle Schneider
6.11.2016 | LEBEN AUSSERHALB DES PARADIESES | Winfried Möhr (DE)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text and photography: Fatima Möhr
2.10.2016 | DISPLACED | Naomi Middelmann (CH)
curation and text: Jasmin Glaab, photography: Pavlína Rutarová
10.2016 | MOTHER TONGUE | Colleen Keough (US)
special event with performance and dinner for invited guests
4.9.2016 | GEISTERBAHN | Simone Floriane Baumann (CH)
curation, text and photography: Jasmin Glaab
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: David Daniel Buckingham, photography: Misha Andris
19.6.2016 | BLUES TRASH CONCERT | Cello Inferno (CH)
concert within the exhibition of Ana Vujic, curated by Jasmin Glaab
5.6.2016 | SABOTAGE VISUELLE | Ana Vujic (CH)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Sibylle Sunda, photography: Tjefa Wegener
3.4.2016 | BILDWORT | Hans Marchetto (CH)
curation and text: Ana Vujic, photography: Tjefa Wegener
6.3.2016 | INTACT WITH THE FUTURE | Di Erre (IT) / Roccioletti (IT)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Patrizia Mazzei, photography: Tjefa Wegener
7.2.2016 | WHERE I WANT TO GO | Mirjam Spoolder (CH)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Ana Vujic, photography: Tjefa Wegener
13.12.2015 | KUNTERBUNTER MARKT | Kleinkunstmarkt 2015 (CH)
exhibiting artists Sandra Anzi, Simone Floriane Baumann, Sile Beck, Mirzlekid,
Pavlina Rutarova, Mirjam Spoolder, Klea Weibel
curation and text: Jasmin Glaab, photography: Tjefa Wegener
13.12.2015 | CONCERT AND DJ | diverse musicians (CH)
Laura Caraballo (CH) and City of Gold (CH)
organized by Jasmin Glaab
6.12.2015 | NOBUDGETEYEPRODUCTION | Tim Schonra & Henk (CH)
curation and text: Jasmin Glaab, photography: Tjefa Wegener
1.11.2015 | EINS UMS ANDERE | Nara Pfister & Mirzlekid (CH)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Sarah Elena Müller, photography: Tjefa Wegener
18.10.2015 | OFFENE WERKSTATT | Gruppe Konverter (CH)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Gruppe Konverter, photography: Tjefa Wegener
4.10.2015 | RUSS'N'ROST | Bettina Reichert (D) / Andreas Hamacher (D)
curation and text: Jasmin Glaab, photography: Léa Girardin
5.7.2015 | I A T T O T | Luca Piazzalonga (CH)
curation and text: Jasmin Glaab, photography: Ioana Mitrea
21.6.2015 | PRECARIETÀ | Fabio Nicotera (IT)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Patrizia Mazzei, photography: Jasmin Glaab
21.6.2015 | SOIL SAMPLES | Carola Rümper (D)
curation, text und photography: Jasmin Glaab
7.6.2015 | RUNTIME | Lena Lapschina (A)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Patrizia Mazzei, photography: Léa Girardin
3.5.2015 | MEMBRANE MEME | Daniel Marti (CH)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Lubomira, photography: Tjefa Wegener
5.4.2015 | LA VIE (r)EST BELLE | dusud (CH)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Ana Vujic, photography: Tjefa Wegener
8.3.2015 | 8 x FRAUEN | Kuratiert von Joanna Kamm (CH)
performances, lectures and concerts by Dora Borer, Felby Charuc, Julia Degelo, Colleen Dunkel, Afghani El Saghir, Philipp Freise, Jasmin Glaab, Joanna Kamm, Ranira Kressig, Christine Mafli, Khadija Merzougue, Stephanie Németh-Parker, Julius Nikolaus Friedrich Schröder, Inga Siebel, Emilia Taubic and Julia Taubic
curation and text: Joanna Kamm, photography: Hans Kamm
1.3.2015 | AUSSCHNITTWEISE BUCHSTABEN | Lukas Jakob David Leu (CH)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Alice Wilke, photography: Tjefa Wegener
22.12.2014 | KLEINKUNSTMARKT | diverse artists (CH/DE)
exhibitors Sandra Anzi, Noemi Serena Biondo, Toni Egger, Svenia Fielding, Francesca Meier, Anna Weber, Klea Weibel, Karin Zingg
curation and text: Jasmin Glaab, photography: Tjefa Wegener
7.12.2014 | THE GRIMM EXPERIENCE | Silvio Grimm (CH)
program: Bad Santa Blitzaction (performance)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Ana Vujic, photography: Tjefa Wegener
22.12.2014 | PERFORMANCE AND DJ's | diverse artists (CH)
performance by Erna Dudensing & Hans Willin (CH)
DJs Florian Ochsé (CH) and Pjotr Hürlimann (CH)
organized by Jasmin Glaab
2.11.2014 | RETROSPEKTIVE | Yvonne Good (CH)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Maya Minder, photography: Tjefa Wegener
5.10.2014 | ENTARTETE KUNST | Christian Mueller (CH)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Ana Vujic, photography: Jan Chudožilov
7.9.2014 | AUSSTELLUNG MIT TROPISCHER MUSIK | Dominik Wullimann (CH)
curation: Jasmin Glaab, text: Ana Vujic, photography: Jan Chudožilov
7.9.2014 | SIDE PROJECT | Carlos Arredondo (CHI)
curation and photography: Jasmin Glaab
special event with talks for invited guests organized by Jasmin Glaab
6.7.2014 | OKTAVE 0 | Léandre Thiévent (CH)
curation, text and photography: Jasmin Glaab
22.6.2014 | HEUTE GIBT ES NICHTS ZU SEHEN | Sweeterland (CH)
Sweeterland ist an artist group with Yvonne Good, Dominik His, Matthias Käser, Elena Könz, Judith Weidmann
curation, text and photography: Jasmin Glaab
1.6.2014 | SIDE PROJECT | Lena Lengsfeld (CH) / Silvia Studerus (CH)
curated by Jasmin Glaab
1.6.2014 | TO DO LIST: | Lysann König (CH)
program: Tirez sur le Pianiste (Piano), SPU Melbe (DJ)
curation and photography: Jasmin Glaab, text: Katja Willi
5.2014 | UHR | Glaser/Kunz (CH)
special event and exhibition for invited guest organized by Jasmin Glaab